i'm starting to doubt THIS.
lately, we've been lax about the relationship part. somehow, we took each other for granted knowing that at the end of the day, there will still be us. but then again, things are starting to get really crazy. he wants me to trust him. but that's not exactly easy seeing how easily he can fall on the pangs of temptations.
i don't want to give him a hard time. summer classes are hard enough for both of us. grr... still, i'm holding on. we can do this. see?
i don't know. i really don't know.
i thought distance makes the heart go fonder???
lately, all i ever did was to question his love.maybe he'll get tired of it, maybe he won't. still...
pepau's great. he gave me nothing but the best 10months of my life.
but somehow... i'm starting to have doubts. i see ourselves divided by a glass wall. and the gap just keeps on growing. growing...
still, i can't question my feelings for him. i know he loves me and i feel exactly the same. i just get so afraid of getting hurt. i guess...
we'll pull this through. TOGETHER.
11:36 PM